Return policy

1. Reimbursement:

1.1. All buyers of online courses on our platform will have the right to request a return within a period of 10 business days after purchase, as long as they comply with the conditions set out in this policy.

1.2. Sellers must accept and comply with this return policy and provide refunds or appropriate solutions in case the return conditions are met.

2. Return conditions:

2.1. Return requests will only be accepted if the following conditions are met:

2.1.1. The buyer must submit the return request through the platform’s support system within the period of 10 business days after purchase.

2.1.2. The course must not have been consumed more than 50%. Refunds will not be accepted for courses that have been consumed beyond 50%.

2.1.3. The buyer must provide valid justification for the return request, such as:

a) Serious technical problems with access to the course.

b) The content of the course does not match the description provided on the platform.

c) The seller does not comply with the agreed terms and conditions, such as failure to deliver promised additional material.

3. Reimbursement process:

3.1. To request a return, the buyer must follow these steps:

3.1.1. Submit a return request through the platform’s support system, providing relevant details about the transaction and the reason for the request.

3.1.2. The platform will review the request and contact the seller to resolve the situation.

3.1.3. If it is determined that the return request meets the conditions established in this policy, the platform will proceed to issue the corresponding refund to the buyer within a period of 10 business days

4. Vendor responsibilities:

4.1. Sellers have the following responsibilities:

4.1.1. Ensure the quality and accuracy of the information provided about your courses, including the description, content and promised additional materials.

4.1.2. Comply with the terms and conditions agreed with the buyer, such as providing access to the course and any additional materials promised.

4.1.3. In case of a valid return request, the seller must provide a full refund to the buyer within 10 business days, or an alternative solution acceptable to both parties.

4.2. Sellers who repeatedly violate this policy may face sanctions, including suspension or termination of their account on the platform.

5. Communication and transparency:

5.1. The platform is committed to clearly and accurately communicating this return policy to buyers and sellers.

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